TNT Global Manufacturing adds The World According to Arthur’s cap to the Penhaligon’s family portrait collection, a tribute to the good old English spirit: stiff upper lip, caustic humour, and a knack for provocation.
The cap is made of five gold electroplated zamak pieces, like the whole collection. The technical challenge lies in the realization of the inside of the mouth which required the addition of two zamak parts (among the 5), and the delicate assembly.
“Fineness and attention to detail are highlighted, thanks to a perfectly controlled production process: die-casting, unmoulding, assembly. As a reminder, the caps are manually polished before gold electroplating, for high-end finishing,” said TNT Global Manufacturing in a statement.
Since 2013, TNT Global Manufacturing has listed more than 20 references, that were produced at more than a million pieces, each. An achievement that also confirms the relevance of their bet on zamak, which is describe as “an agile and noble material that fits easily into a sustainable development policy.”
A highly-resistant alloy composed of 95% zinc, 4% aluminium, and 1% copper, Zamak is actually infinitely reusable in its end-of-life, without losing any properties during the recycling process. A correct collection of the material could make it enter a more circular economy.